Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Notice: Podcast Suspension

Dear Loyal Fans,

Unfortunately, my podcast "Commentating the Classics with Sir Richard Pancake" has been suspended until further notice, due to factors out of my control. I cannot afford to own a site for the podcast to be hosted at, and it needs to be hosted somewhere that makes it easily uploadable and accessible to the iTunes Library. I was using iWeb/MobileMe's free 3-month trial and LOVED it. The site-design was simple, yet sophisticated; easy to use, and hosted the podcast with all the embedded information to correctly display it on the iTunes Store. However, it costs $100 a year to maintain an Apple MobileMe account, and while it is an investment I'm willing to make in the future to make this podcast a consistent, real, and infectious thing, I cannot afford it now (plus MobileMe makes almost all important info like contacts, calendars, bookmarks, etc. syncable from your Laptop to your iTouch, and to your sites, as well as having a bunch of other cool features). So, thanks for your support (while it lasted), and I hope you enjoyed what you heard. We'll be back soon, WE PROMISE!!!

On a similar note, as soon as we are able we will re-host the podcast via MobileMe (just need to pay the fee, and press the "re-publish" button) and it will immediately reappear in the iTunes Store, and hopefully it'll take off big this time. If you'd like to support this cause, or any other cause of ours (like Cory's COLLEGE FUND or MUSIC FUND, simply send money via PayPal--email address for PayPal is corypark@aol.com (that's all you need to send money). Thanks! (But seriously, I don't expect that from you--just a joke.)


Sir Richard Pancake, KBE, MD, PhD, DMA; Podcast Co-Founder and Program Host

Cory Parkinson; Podcast Co-Founder and Producer
Composer (ASCAP), Pianist/Vocalist,
Undergraduate BMus of Composition &
BMus of Choral Music Education at
The University of Michigan

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