Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Day of Class

So today, I had my first class. It was Aural Theory Skills...and in a word, it was...easy. Those of you who know me know I know my stuff on theory, so I think that it will be an easy class, but it will still help me develop my ear. Even if it may not be a challenge, any practice helps. I also met with my German Advisor today, and I officially declared German as my minor. I will be taking a junior level class this semester (as I placed on the placement exam) and I have to take 5 more courses in German throughout my college career. Many courses on music are offered, as is the one I am taking this semester, based on Berthold Brecht's "Threepenny Opera." Mozart's Magic Flute is another topic next semester, and next year I plan to take "The Power of Music," taught in English for music majors detailing ALL German composers. Wagner's Ring Cycle is also on the docket for next year. Fun stuff, and I love German, so it will be a good match for me.

My schedule is very ambitious tomorrow--four classes! Written Theory Skills, Musicology, German, and Slavic (meets the freshman writing requirement, taught in English on the history of Prague). So I better get to bed...just thought I'd let y'all know what today was like. Fun sums it up nicely.

Oh, and a question for my music educator friends out there: are syllabi supposed to be scary and intimidating???

Gute Nacht!

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